Sunday 31 August 2014

August update

Not a lot to report, I finally managed to get the Verilog code to compile
into something other than a piece of wire, unfortunately the design was
too big to fit on the FPGA I am using so I am looking how to simplify it.

I have my talk for the BATC convention on the 6/7th of September
completed. It is a update of the current software situation and some
speculation of what might be in any possible DATV-Express 2.

We are always looking to fill a need in the hobby, if there is no need
then we won't need to develop anything.

I am giving a simpler talk and a demonstration to the Worthing Club on
the 17th of September.

There is an up and coming article in the next QST magazine  by Art WA8RMC
and Ken W6HHC is giving a talk at the TAPR DCC on the 6/7th of Sept.

There is a lot going on in the world of DATV at the moment and it is
difficult to track all the new developments.

I am hoping to do some networking at the BATC convention, find out what
others are doing and see where we can help, we don't want to duplicate what
others are doing.

If you attend any of my talks please say hello.

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